Fading Text By: Fukd.Dreams
1. First off pick your image, put your background and everything on it.
2. Use your text tool and place your text on your image. Make sure Floating and Antialias are checked.
3. Go up to layers, and click add new raster layer don't change any of the settings. Just click okay. Next go to 3D, Drop Shadow, your settings should be as follows: Do the drop shadow2 times and don't change any settings. Then click merge, Merge layers flatten.
4. Your image should look something like this:
5. Copy That Exact image and paste it as a new image. That will be your first image in your animation. On your original image click edit undo until you only have one drop shadow. Merge your layers again just like before.. copy the image and paste it as a new image. That's Image 2 in your animation.
6. Again go to your original image go to edit , undo, until you have no drop shadow and no New raster layer. Merge your layers , Copy the image and paste it as a new image. That's your image 3.
Again go to your original image, and click edit undo just so your name
is floating. Click on your layer pallet
8. Now for your last image, on your original click edit undo until you have NO text Merge your layers. That is your image 5. your images should look something like this:
9. Next go into animation shop and make a new animation. Do not change any of the settings. When it asks you what pictures to use, use the images you have made.. 1-5 in order. The only thing you change is the width and height of your animation. Width should be 102 and height should be 116. When it asks if u want the animation to be looped click yes. Once you got your animation set up. Select your first frame, and go to animation , frame properties and change JUST THE FIRST box to 125. Then select the rest of your frames and put them to 75 as follows.
10. Next click on File, and go down to Optimization wizard. When the box opens don't change nothing Click next once. There you will have your color options. Move the little bar up to 127 colors. then click next. Keep clicking next till it says optimization file and it says your size of the animation. if it is over 14K click the back button and bring your color down a notch and try again. That's it. For any additional Help Please contact me.